Mastodon Digest
for the past

"Why do people turn down the $23 [a month] in benefits?"

Top answer to this question on /r/foodstamps:

"Because the $23 costs them hours of time dealing with applying & reapplying. And because often they don't want to deal with potentially intrusive interviews every 6 months."

Five years ago (Monday the 23rd) the @W3C Social Web Working Group published the WebSub Recommendation^1

The test suites for Publishers, Subscribers, and Hubs are still up & running, as are the vast majority of implementations documented in the implementation report.

My site supports the publishing side of WebSub via the Superfeedr Hub^2 and there are many more supporting sites^3.

Beyond publishing blog posts and realtime updates in social readers^4, there are additional WebSub use-cases such as real time #IndieWeb search^5 results, like Technorati except opt-in via WebSub subscriptions, and without any polling.

Such diverse use-cases are one of the benefits of building-block^6 standards^7 like WebSub.

If you create a new WebSub implementation, be sure to test it with the test suite^8 and add your results to the WebSub Implementation Reports repo^9.

Got questions about WebSub? Ask in

This is day 23 of #100DaysOfIndieWeb #100Days

← Day 22:
→ 🔮


More playing around with #Trove digitised maps! Yesterday I found many of the maps have bounding boxes hidden away in the metadata. Even without any georectification or allowing for map margins etc, just using those coords to overlay the historical maps on a modern base map works pretty well -- at least for exploration/discovery purposes. #GLAM #digitalHumanities


That feeling when you type a password that fits the stated rules fully, but it is not accepted and they don't say why.

I'm setting up a new M2 MacBook Pro, and it's been smooth sailing so far... until I tried to run "pip install lxml" and ran into some hairy error messages

The solution was to switch to a virtual environment created using a version of Python installed using Homebrew (I had accidentally been using the /usr/bin/python3 Python 3.9.6 that came with the system) - then everything worked fine

Wrote a quick TIL for the next person who gets stuck on this:

ChatGPT is really useful to help design CLI tools. I wanted to add a new option that meant "fail with a non-zero exit code if the tool sees an HTTP 4xx or 5xx error", so I had a quick conversation with ChatGPT to come up with "--fail" as a good name for that option, consistent with other tools.


“If you want to go fast, go alone.
If you want to go far, bring people along.”

These #wise #words that a very wise #woman once told me, still resonates in decision making at #critical times. Almost always works!

#Mastodon what’s your favourite #quote from someone?

#science #academia #teamwork #projects #quotes #boostme #boostmytoot #motivation #inspiration

A watched DNS never propagates!


I was a kid when the Rodney King incident became national news.

I was a teenager when NYPD officers sadistically brutalized Abner Louima and killed Amadou Diallo in cold blood.

Watching our “law enforcement” situation spiral out of control for my entire life has been one thing; Watching our country’s leadership do absolutely nothing about it is quite another.

TIL the WWW originally had a logo, and nothing else is better at expressing the naive academic techno-optimism from the 1990s than a design that looks hand-coded in PostScript and that slogan at the top.


behold, a penguin

(too tired to figure out the colors now, good night)


Pick your poison

Are we ready to talk about how police dressing in riot gear and acting, well, like cops, makes crowds more likely to riot? No? OK then. Proceed. I wrote something a while ago that lets you write Japanese in UTF-8 and render it in uxn, by having a Python script compile a font out of all the characters you used in string tokens:

Hello Mastodon 😉
I’ve been lurking around for a while now, it’s probably time to start posting.
I’m an #archaeologist on the island of #Okinawa and will mostly post about #archaeology and #history, with bad photographs taken with my phone. Bear with me while I marvel at holes, stones and very small pottery sherds 😊

@robpike I feel like that's a problem I see a lot with new engineers today. Most only know surface level info or are very specialized and have a hard time grasping outside the box they have created for themselves.

I grew up absorbing tons of info as a teenager. Windows, Linux, kernels, reverse engineering, web, php, 3d modeling, game dev, etc. I can bring information from.all these things to my benefit and many colleagues are amazed, when I consider it basic knowledge.

For those who know … #startrek #starship #spaceship


Since Mastodon leans techy, I’m hoping the message gets to the people who need to hear it:

Stop using a single indicator light that switches between red & green to indicate states. It’s meaningless to red/green colorblind people like me. Do multiple indicators, consider blink vs fully lit states or whatever.

Wow, after 25 years of Unix experience, I learned that you can filter output in #less.

Press ampersand (&) and enter a regex to show only lines matching the regex.

Press ampersand (&) and then exclamation mark (!) to apply an inverse filter.

So, the ChatGPT business model is going to be about selling tools that can detect its own output.

In terms of knowledge, veracity and the entire concept of truth, they’ve built a robot that is going to shit everywhere, and then sell you a dowsing rod that might let you navigate that shit without stepping in it. I’m sure the first time you use it, it will be very affordable.

It’s amazing how many people are lining up to be 10x or 100x shit-producers.